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TC Backer Construction

Advert details

Advert ID: 2626
Displayed: 35
Added: 09 August 2024
Category: Services


TC Backer offers a range of roof and gutter services, such as roofing, windows, gutters, sliding, and solar shingle roof systems. TC Backer Roofing provides superior roofing, sliding, and window services to ensure your home or business is protected from the elements. Our experienced professionals can install and repair a variety of roof and gutter systems, including solar shingle roof systems, to keep your building safe and secure. We can also provide a comprehensive roof and gutter checkup to ensure your system is functioning properly and efficiently. With our quality craftsmanship and attention to detail, you can trust TC Backer Roofing to ensure your roof and gutter system is in top condition.
TC Backer, a GAF Master Elite® Certified Roofing Contractor, is one of the top 2% of roofing contractors in North America.


United States of America
1550 E Canal Rd, Dover, PA 17315, United States

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