Advertise your business, services, jobs, events, products or items to millions online for absolutely free on our free advertising website: aims to help make local advertising as easy and cheap as possible. The cost of advertising in the traditional media(television, radio, newspapers, tabloids) is astronomically alarming, which makes it almost inaccessible to small businesses, let alone private individuals. The power of the world wide web provides a fabulous opportunity for easing the pain and cost of advertising and we exist to utilise this opportunity to help cut advertising costs for members of our broad community. We are aware of the competition in this industry and we aim to be among the best by constantly improving our service quality. We take user feedback seriously and we incorporate them in our continous improvement strategy.
FREE ADS provides opportunities for individuals and businesses to post unlimited free ads both locally and internationaly, for absolutely free. This includes free classified ads for used cars, bikes, properties, rentals, computers, laptops, mobile phones, televisions, sound systems, services, furniture, home appliances, games, tools, books, spare parts and all accessories, pets, kitchen stuff, musical instruments, to miscellaneous stuff, both for sale and for give away. We however provide certain premium services for which we charge small fees. This includes featured adverts and homepage advertising.
Featured adverts get top spots in their category search listings and are automaticaly reposted daily over the slot period. They convert to Free Adverts on the expiry of the slot period. Homepage Advertising is in three categories: the Banner Advert which appears at the top of all our web pages; the Side Advert which appears left or right sides of our homepage and most of our web pages; and the Big Advert which appears in the center of our homepage and most of our web pages. Prices for these adverts depend on the period of the advert and the type of advert. Prices are payable in advance and are non-refundable once the adverts are inserted and displayed on our website. Though premium adverts will be displayed after completeion of payment, they may be displayed as Free Adverts where payment is delayed for some reasons. They will be converted to the required premium class when payment is finally completed.
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We believe that Free Advertising is possible in this information age and we encourage businesses to take their chance with us. Visit and place your free ad now.