Trusted Rotary Kiln Incinerator Manufacturers

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Advert ID: 3467
Displayed: 6
Added: 21 September 2024
Category: Other Services
Location: Jersey City
Price is negotiable


Explore HiTemp Tech Corporation, a trusted leader among rotary kiln incinerator manufacturers. Our state-of-the-art indirect-fired rotary kilns are designed for efficient waste processing, providing optimal thermal treatment for a wide range of materials. Discover our advanced technology and commitment to sustainable solutions. Visit to learn more about our innovative rotary kiln solutions.

About HiTemp Tech Corporation

Since 1982, HiTemp Tech Corporation has been manufacturing custom, high-temperature catalysts, fume incinerators and oxidizer systems featuring thermal oxidizers, catalytic oxidizers, enclosed flares, rotary kilns and moving-earth scrubber systems to control methane gas emissions for eco-friendly industrial applications. Visit to learn more about our innovative rotary kiln solutions.

offering Products

Catalytic Oxidizer Systems, Recuperative Catalytic Oxidizer Systems, Thermal Oxidizer Systems, Rotary Kilns, Indirect-Fired Rotary Kilns, Enclosed Flares, Soil Vapor Extraction Systems, Process Furnaces, Rotary Dryers, Waste to Energy Systems.

Contact Details

14 Sandra Rd


Jersey City, New Jersey, United States of America
14 Sandra Rd

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