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Common Reed 10000 Seeds Reed Grasses communis phragmites

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Advert ID: 2658
Displayed: 39
Added: 11 August 2024
Category: Other Services
Location: Escondido


Common Reed 10000 Seeds for Planting Perennial Reed Grasses communis phragmites Australis Seeds. Phragmites (/fræɡˈmaɪtiːz/) is a genus of four species of large perennial reed grasses found in wetlands throughout temperate and tropical regions of the world. The Common Reed will bloom from late July to August, with purple to gold panicles of flowers. Seeds of this plant are grayish in color and have a fluffy texture with silky hairs covering each seed. Each plant can produce thousands of seeds each year. These seeds, however, have a low viability. Common reed is very important (together with other reed-like plants) for wildlife and conservation, particularly in Europe and Asia, where several species of birds are strongly tied to large Phragmites stands.



Escondido, California, United States of America

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