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Media Division online

Advert details

Advert ID: 2186
Displayed: 41
Added: 15 July 2024
Category: Other Services
Location: California


Media Division online


Are you involved with Media that helps people? Or wish to be? Experts in graphics and social media are needed.

Volunteer in MEDIA Globally from your home. Whether an hour a month or an hour a day, whether experienced or new; your help is needed. Meet many people from diverse cultures and socio- economic backgrounds globally, while helping children seeking a brighter future.

The International Humanity Foundation(IHF) is seeking experts and those who want to learn. Ages 18-95. Volunteering 1-2 hours a month (or week) on a long term basis. Please contact www.ihfonline.org to learn more.

Media box email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



? IHF Cinematography

? Writing team

? Public Relations


? IHF Website IT

? IHF Social Media

? Translation

? Volunteer Outreach (General Online Outreach Task Team, GOOTT)

? University Partnerships

? IHF Newsletter


California, United States of America

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