Fundraising, Marketing PR & Grants Online & At Center

Advert details

Advert ID: 1930
Displayed: 23
Added: 05 July 2024
Category: Other Services
Location: California


     ? Opportunity Awaits

International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is on the lookout for skilled experts and adult students passionate about FUNDRAISING, MARKETING, and GRANT WRITING. Proficiency in English, Swahili, Thai, or Bahasa Indonesia is a requirement for this unique opportunity. Whether you're an experienced professional or a university student seeking an internship, IHF invites you to make a global impact from the comfort of your home.

? Why Volunteer with IHF?

  • ? Connect with diverse cultures and socio-economic backgrounds while contributing to the brighter future of children worldwide.
  • ? IHF, an award-winning International Non-profit, has been active since 2001, offering a reputable platform for impactful volunteering.
  • ? Volunteer at your own pace, whether it's an hour a month or a daily commitment.

? Our Two-Fold Mission

  • Educate Impoverished Children: Activate their highest potential and foster healthy, loving communities.
  • Educate Global Citizens: Provide real-life experiences, online and in person, about the realities of impoverished communities, practical skills for aiding efforts, and the value of diverse cultures.

? Teams Awaiting Your Expertise

? Fundraising Team

? Grant Writing Team

? PR Marketing Team

? Sponsor-Donor Drive & Relations

? How to Apply

Visit to apply and submit your CV. 

Application Requirements

Please provide the following:

- Country of residence or driver's license

- Police clearance for countries requiring it (such as Kenya)

- Date of graduation, name of institution, department, and diploma category (undergraduate, two-year degree, master's)

- A photo of your diploma or further details if your diploma is not available

Our dedicated team will reach out to you within 24 hours.

? Contact Us

For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to our Volunteer Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

? Internship Opportunities

University students seeking valuable experience can explore internship opportunities within IHF's dynamic environment.

? Join IHF - Where Your Skills Transform Lives!

Embark on a journey to create a positive impact globally. Your expertise in fundraising, marketing, and grant writing can make a significant difference. Apply now and be part of IHF's mission to create a brighter future for children around the world! ?


California, United States of America

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