Outdoor festive string lights

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Advert ID: 3434
Displayed: 5
Added: 19 September 2024


Heavy-duty cord withstands wear and tear, supports year-round outdoor use, sockets use a more suitable connection neck to make it easier to screw into the base of the light and conduct heat well, plugs are equipped with waterproof connectors, waterproof outdoor string lights are made of insulated material to withstand the hot summer sun and cold, wet winters, can be used for outdoor string lights for weddings, gardens, cafes and bars company name: Jiande Lantuo Cable Manufacturing Co., LTD.
ADD: No. 188, Chengnan Development Zone, Nanfeng Road, Meicheng Town, Jiande City, Zhejiang Province, China.
Phone: 86-13646861283
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


United States of America
No. 188, Chengnan Development Zone, Nanfeng Road, Meicheng Town, Jiande City, Zhejiang Province, China.

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