Unlock Your True Potential with Quantum Manifestation Workshops

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Advert ID: 2834
Displayed: 30
Added: 19 August 2024
Category: Health & Beauty
Location: Anaheim


Vandana Sinha, owner of the VanSinha LLC is a California-based spiritual coach, energy healer, speaker, and author with over three decades of profound experience. At VanSinha LLC, she provides personal healing sessions, cathartic live meditations, and empowering coaching programs. The energies of her group sessions heighten in a divine way, connecting individuals across the world with a shared spiritual experience. Whether you're in California or somewhere across the globe, you can experience personalized energy healing via online sessions.

Contact Details:
Business Name: VanSinha LLC
Website: https://www.vansinha.com
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Anaheim, California, United States of America

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