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The TrustVare PST to EML converter tool transfers all emails and attachments from PST to EML in only a few seconds and without errors. Users can access PST files without using Microsoft Outlook. It provides capabilities that enable users to transfer data accurately and quickly. This application preserves the original data structure of PST files after EML conversion. This utility works with all EML email clients, including Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird, and Apple Mail. Users can purchase a one-time license for lifetime use. The application supports all file kinds, including Unicode and ANSI PST files. Make it simple to use so that both individuals and professionals can use the utility as needed. This software is able with all versions of the Windows operating system, including 11, 10, 8.1, 8, and 7. It also supports all Microsoft Outlook versions 2007, 2010, 2013, 2019, and 2021. Manage all emails fast, and check the database before converting and filtering specific files. Set up and run on your computer to try the free trial version.
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