Poop Genie

Advert details

Advert ID: 6414
Displayed: 23
Added: 20 March 2025
Category: Cleaning Services


Poop Genie is a pet waste management company offering residential and commercial dog waste removal in Central, Southeast, and Southcentral Pennsylvania. We offer several service packages to fit your needs, do automatic billing, and do not require long term contracts. We are a small, family-owned business. We LOVE dogs and pride ourselves on professionalism, reliability, and safety. Not only do we scoop your dog’s poop, but we also sanitize our equipment and boots between each visit to ensure we are not spreading disease. If you are not satisfied with your service, we will make a stop back to your residence within 48-hours to scoop again. We take pride in our work and want 100% customer satisfaction. Call 1-888-766-7436 to request an estimate.


United States of America
285 Ebenezer Rd Halifax 17032 PA USA
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