Birdwatching is something the entire family can enjoy.

Advert details

Advert ID: 6033
Displayed: 30
Added: 25 February 2025
Category: Birds
Location: San Jose
$ 0 0000000 $


It is exciting to learn about the birds that come to our yards. Bird feeding and birdwatching go hand in hand, all it takes is a bird feeder and bird seed for the new adventure to begin. At the Los Gatos Birdwatcher we keep our shelves stocked with quality wild bird seed, wild bird feeders and other essentials–suet feeders, tray feeders and hopper bird feeders. We offer many ways to provide your wild birds with what birds like to eat. Visit Facebook: Instagram:


San Jose, California, United States of America
792 Blossom Hill Rd
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